
Showing posts from June, 2021

5 ways to make sure you save costs on corrugated boxes

Corrugated boxes are probably the most versatile packaging options available in the market. Its structural rigidity and cushioning make it an indispensable packaging material. Whether you need boxes to stack up inventory or you need the right kind of packaging box for shipment, corrugate boxes are there to serve your purpose in numerous ways. There are different kinds of corrugated boxes that are available in the market and add to the cost of the box. This distinction is made on the following parameters: Dimensions of the box Thickness Bursting strength Moisture content Type of flute and joints Box compression strength etc. Kind of printing Colours chosen Extent of customisation You can plan smartly to save the costs in corrugated boxes and some of the tips you can follow are: Go easy with your requirements: Packaging evolves with time. Thus what was being practised 10 years ago might not work wonders in the current times. You need to analyse your true requirements so that necessa...